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Yom Kippur Mega-Battle

Six players gathered together for a Fate of the Nation Total War game. Four 6’X4’ tables were arranged into a single 16’X6’ table featuring major terrain features of Israel. Each player brought 65 points worth of either Israeli or one of the Arab nations, with an extra army for both sides for a total of 8 different forces. Check out how this mega battle went in the link below

Yom Kippur Mega-Battle…

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Yom Kippur Mega-Battle

By Jacob Markson

Six players gathered together for a Fate of the Nation Total War game. Four 6’X4’ tables were arranged into a single 16’X6’ table featuring major terrain features of Israel. Each player brought 65 points worth of either Israeli or one of the Arab nations, with an extra army for both sides for a total of 8 different forces. The Israeli forces consisted of three Mechanized companies and one Magach II company. The Arab forces had every nation represented with only Syria being doubled up, one Egyptian T-54 company, one Jordanian M48 company, one Syrian T-54 company, and one Syrian T-62 company. Two objectives were placed on every table (playing cards), with scores being added up at the start of every round. Arab forces started with all of their forces in various deployment zones staged roughly aligned with were they were geographically while Israeli forces had 60% starting on the board with the remaining in immediate reserves. For the sake of fun and to get everyone’s models onto the board we had each Israeli player roll for reserves each round.

Just like in history the Israeli forces managed to “win” the battle with a final score of 30 to 25 points. Arab forces managed to surround and push back the Israeli forces into a series of pockets. The Israeli forces were breaking apart piece by piece, but the rate at which Arab tanks were burning only increased as Israeli forces came from reserves. On the south flank the Egyptian T-54s hammered into the Magach IIs while being supported by the Jordanian M48s from the east. In the north, the Syrian forces were ground down slowly by infantry holding areas of rough ground.

This was a really fun game that allowed us to play with almost everything we had from tank to infantry to aircraft. We are a group of gamers that enjoy the whole line of games by Battlefront and get together almost every Friday to play casual games and practice for our area’s monthly tournaments. 

Our 16’X6’ table had several areas marked out for deployment. The Egyptian forces deployed in the south, having just secured the canal. The Jordanian forces deployed on the East currently crossing the Jordan River. Syrian forces deployed in the northeast corner with Israeli forces deploying on most of the western edge. 

Turn 1
The Israeli forces didn’t wait for the Arab nations to attack and launched a hasty preemptive strike (won first turn in a roll off). Reserves were being called up even now and it would only be a matter of time before heavy weapons and armor arrived. Air strikes and smoke barrages were called in and the Israeli infantry advanced to gain strategic footholds.

Arab forces advanced as soon as the first rounds bounced off the armor plating of the plethora of tanks. Egyptian tanks were prepared for the air strikes having lost most of their air force already; their AA machine guns almost downed a whole squadron of planes. Having dodged the enemy’s first strike they began to engage Magah II and Centurion tanks. 

Turn 2
Israeli forces began to take up defensive positions, in the north along the Golan Heights, a grove of trees overlooking a series of farm fields. To the south, the mechanized infantry secured a rocky outcrop which gives them a generous view of the flat terrain. 

In the north, Arab forces advance in what seemed like an unstoppable tide. To the south, coordinated fire from the Egyptian T-54s brings down a pair of centurions without any casualties. In the eastern part of Jerusalem, Jordanian tanks take up positions to flank the Magah IIs fighting the Egyptians and secure the holy city for themselves. 

Turn 3
Israeli air support managed to knock out a couple of tanks while reinforcements began to pour in. Enemy tanks were knocked out little by little and the infantry pockets delayed the Arab forces. Arab forces began to break the southern flank with the destruction of the Magah IIs. Jordananian M48s knocked out target after target without too much return fire. The northern flank slowed to a crawl. 

Turn 4 -7
Israeli forces slowly ground away the Arab tanks and held onto vital positions, though they began to lose ground.

Arab forces began to take important ground. Jordan held most of Jerusalem and the Syrians retook the Golan Heights barring a few pockets of resistance. The ground they won had been paid for in blood, at a cost too high for the Arab forces to capitalize on their momentum. 

Turn 8 – 10 (Final round after 6+ hours)
Israeli forces were bloody and worn down. Almost every platoon has taken serious damage and many units have begun to fall back. All of the armoured forces were knocked out and only the infantry and some support vehicles remained. Unfortunately for the Arab forces this included most of the TOW jeeps. 

Arab forces had been bled dry. Though they have taken important and vital areas it was too little, too late and for too much sacrifice. A single Egyptian tank that refused to break was last reported charging a position of TOW jeeps as his comrades were knocked out one by one.

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1973 Yom Kippur War AAR

A While back Duncan from Breakthrough Assault wrote an article about revamping his Fate Of Four Gamers army around a Thunderbolt Company formation and this article is all about testing that list in the fires of combat.

In this game he goes up against Lee and his Magach 6 Tank Company.  Check out the full article to see how it all played out and the results and his final thoughts on this idea.

Breakthrough Assault – Yom Kippur War AAR…

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Fate Of A Nation Unboxing: Jordanian Centurion Squadron

This time the Beasts Of War team is looking at the Jordanian  Centurion Squadron. The Jordanians stand as a unique force in the Fate Of A Nation Forces as an Arab Nation supplied with British equipment. Check out what you get in this army deal as well as a little bit of the history of the Centurion and the Jordanians themselves.

Fate Of A Nation Unboxing: Jordanian Centurion Squadron…

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Unboxing Fate Of A Nation Egyptian T-62 Tank Battalion

John and Gerry get to look at the T-62 Tank Battalion that Battlefront Miniatures have brought to Fate of a Nation. The T-62 was used by the Syrians and Egyptians in an effort to counter Israeli 105mm armed Centurion and Magach tanks. In this video they look at the T-62 model in detail and some of the history of this tank as well as the contents of the box. Check it out in the link below

Unboxing Fate Of A Nation Egyptian T-62 Tank Battalion…

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Beasts Of War: Fate of a Nation Unboxing: Syrian T-54 Tank Battalion

John and Jerry from Beasts Of War take a look at the Syrian T-54 Tank Battalion Boxset. They and look at not just what is in the box but also some of the background of the T-54 as one of the worlds most produced tanks as well as how to get the most out of your tanks.

Fate of a Nation Unboxing: Syrian T-54 Tank Battalion…

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Fate Of Four Gamers: Month Three, October War

The Fate Of Four Gamers continues. This week saw the beginnings of the  home stretch for painting with Lee and his 96 points of armour with Magachs, Fez will be finishing up his infantry and transports and Duncan is putting finishing touches on his T-62s. Check out the full article below for more details

A Fate Of Four Gamers: Month Three, October War…

We also have a Battle Report from the Fate Of Four Gamers with the Isreali Defense Forces going head to head with the Egyptians with 100 points worth of kit. See how it went and who triumphed in the link below.

Party Like Its 1969 – Fate Of A Nation Battle Report…